If you run a web site and would like to add these instructions (or similar) to it, please feel free to copy mine. All I ask is that you properly attribute it to me and if you have any additions and changes that you share your improvements in the same way I'm sharing the original version. For exact details of what permission I'm giving you, see the Creative Commons Attributions-ShareAlike Licence.
If you need it, the PHP source code and all supporting files (images, etc) for these pages can be found in this ZIP file.
If you only have a small site and you'd prefer to link directly to these pages, rather than making your own copy, then please use the following URL:
Any other URL used to access these pages should be considered temporary and could be changed at any time, breaking your links.
Please e-mail me if you have any improvements. My e-mail address is .
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.