Beef in Black Bean Sauce



Cut the onion and capsicum into approximate 1 inch squares. Fry the beef in the oil until nearly cooked through. Add the onion, capsicum and soy sauce and fry until the onion is transparent. Add black bean sauce and simmer for 4 minutes.

Serve with rice or noodles and maybe with some spring rolls or prawn crackers.

Red Pepper and Sweet Corn Sweet and Sour Stir-Fry



Sweet and Sour Sauce

To Garnish


Mix all the ingerdients for the sweet and sour sauce in a cup until they form a smooth liquid.

Heat a little oil in a wok or large frying pan. When the oil is boiling, add the peppers, onion, corn and chilli. Let the vegetables fry for a few minutes. Give the sauce a quick stir again and then add it into the wok. The sauce will now start thickening. Keep stirring the contents of the wok.

Serve immediately with rice or noodles and sprinkle the torn corriander over the top.


Add some diced chicken!