
This recipe is one I improvised, drawing on a bunch of different sources, notably Closer magazine



Soak the wheat in about 400mL of water, seasoned with a crumbled stock cube. It will need to soak for somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour, so use this opportunity to make some houmous, falafels, minted lamb chops or whatever as an accompaniment.

Finely dice 1.5 tomatoes, cutting the other half tomato into wedges to use as a garnish. Finely dice the red onion, saving a few rings to use as a garnish. Cut 0.25 of a lemon into wedges, again for a garnish and juice the rest.

When the wheat is softened, drain off the liquid and mix the diced vegetables, herbs, pine nuts, herbs, oil and lemon juice in. Season with salt and pepper. Allow ten minutes to mingle before serving.




Blend all ingredients in an electric blender. Done.


Try adding a roasted red pepper, a little corriander and a little cumin. If you're feeling dangerous, add a little chilli too.