A few brightly-coloured hexagons

Important: This is not the official Everybuddy page. The official Everybuddy page is at Everybuddy.com. If you have any problems with Everybuddy, don't contact me — instead, go to the Everybuddy web site, join the mailing list and ask there.

Everybuddy is designed to become a Universal Instant Messaging client, seamlessly integrating all existing Instant Messaging clients and providing a single consistant user interface. Currently, Everybuddy supports sending and receiving messages through AOL, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, Jabber and IRC.

Here you can download recently updated Everybuddy binaries and source code. It should be fresh from CVS within the last week or so. RPMs are built on a Pentium Celeron, running Linux Mandrake 8.1. Builds that have a version X.Y.Z are stable releases. Builds that have a version number X.Y.Zcvs are development releases based on X.Y.Z.

Note: I'm no longer providing tarballs — there's no point. Colin Leroy is providing nightly tarballs now. Also, if the worst comes to the worst, you can easily extract the source tarball from the source RPM.

Package Download Notes
Name Version Release Binary RPM Source RPM Source Tarball
everybuddy 0.4.3cvs 20020926 i586.rpm latest beta.
everybuddy 0.4.3cvs 20020920 i586.rpm recent beta.
everybuddy 0.4.3cvs 20020829 i586.rpm recent beta.
everybuddy 0.4.3 1 i586.rpm * latest stable.
everybuddy- mandrake 0.0.1 1 i586.rpm mandrake extras.

* These RPMs were built using gcc 3.1. If you don't have gcc 3.1, you will need to install its libraries. If this sounds like too much work, try a different RPM.

Red Hat 7.2+

If you're running a 32-bit Intel or AMD processor, then you can download and install the binary RPM from above. If you use a PowerPC or other processor, then download the source RPM instead.

Red Hat 7.1

This is the same as newer Red Hat, but the RPM will need a little bit of persuasion to install!

ln -s /usr/lib/libltdl.so /usr/lib/libltdl.so.3
rpm -Uvh --nodeps everybuddy-VERSION.i586.rpm

Mandrake 7.1+

Pentium users can install the binary RPM as usual. Other users will probably have to compile from the source RPM.

The main RPM will not add an Everybuddy entry to your menu. To create the menu entry, download and install the everybuddy-mandrake package.


Debian users can find recent builds of Everybuddy in the "unstable" branch.

Sun Solaris

Thanks to Canadian Alex, here are some experimental binaries for Solaris 8 (Sparc). To install it, as root:

tar -zxf everybuddy-0.4.2-solaris-sparc.tar.gz
cd everybuddy-0.4.2-solaris-sparc

Also, Sean has a "proper" Solaris package.

Other Linux or Unix

You might be able to follow the instructions for Red Hat, Mandrake or Debian, but otherwise compile the source code using the instructions on the Everybuddy website.

Mac OS X

The official Everybuddy website has some (slightly old) binaries courtesy of the Fink project.


Sorry, Everybuddy is not available for Windows. Of course, you are free to port it!