PAN - A newsreader for GNOME.
My build of PAN for Mandrake 9.2, including aspell support.
Dillo - What's Dillo? A lightweight browser.
Dillo 0.6.6
My build of Dillo, which is specially patched for:
- HTTPS support, using OpenSSL.
- GNOME-style icons
- Sylpheed-Claws integration:
- Embeddable Dillo
- Local Browsing Patch
- Full Window at Startup Patch
Built for Mandrake 9.1, but works with Mandrake 9.2.
Dillo 0.8.0pre
My build of a recent CVS of Dillo, patched for tabbed browsing, HTTPS and FTP support and support for HTML frames. Note also that the embeddable Dillo, local browsing and full screen patches from my 0.6.6 build are also included, as they were integrated into the official Dillo 0.7.0. This build is not 100% stable, but works well enough.
Built for Mandrake 9.2.
Mutt - A Mailer
My build adds the following features to the already heavily-patched 'Drake build of Mutt:
- Unbind
- PGP Outlook Compat (am considering replacing this with Dale Woodridge's patch
Built for Mandrake 9.1, but works with Mandrake 9.2.