In Netscape 7, you can adjust the font size of a page using Text Zoom on the View menu.
The keyboard shortcuts for these are Ctrl++ to increase the font size and Ctrl+- to decrease. You can use Ctrl+= to reset the font to the "normal" size.
The previous instructions only change the font temporarily. If you want to change your fonts for all pages, choose Preferences on the Edit menu, then select "Fonts" under the "Appearance" tree on the left side of the preferences box. Now you can choose your favourite font and font size.
The procedure is the same, although Text Zoom is called Text Size.
The procedure is the same as in Netscape 7.
Other browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or 6; Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or earlier; Netscape 6 or later, Mozilla and similar; Netscape Navigator 4 or earlier; Opera; Others.