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New Stuff


16/04/2003 - Television - Hmm, well I've kinda been...


22/01/2004 - Don't look now..... - Ah - the first update of ...
18/12/2003 - Fill in the blanks - Well. I just noticed tha...
03/10/2003 - Why not update? - So in a moment of whimsy ...


10/07/2003 - Sometimes Dilbert strips ...
15/06/2003 - Obviously having better t...

Why not update?


So in a moment of whimsy I decided to put a short post on about what I'm doing now.

I've got a job!! This is good because it pays me money.

I'm working as an editor and technical person with the Met Film School and latterly in an assistant-production-manager-type role as well. (booking messrs Roberts and Cade of stoic fame recently :)) All in all this is pretty damn tiring.

I'm also working on their one-day weekend courses so this means that I work Saturdays. I'm also working this Sunday on a different course - fortunately this is just a set-up-a-video-projector-and-sleep-for-three-hours job.
Saturday, on the other hand, is running around after students making 1-minute films about pieces of toast prior to teaching them how to edit.
Not as tiring as the other Saturday course mind - take 2 or 4 groups of people, a 4-scene 10-minute script and get them to plan, shoot and edit it with two actors in a day. Last week I looked after one of the groups and did the edit teaching - on my feet for over 10 hours.

They're also strapped for cash - who isn't? - but I'm getting paid something, which is a lot more than I had before and it feeds my masochistic instinct to spend stupid amounts of time making film and TV which anyone who's shared a flat with me will be able to testify to.

Planning to try for a raise when my current contract expires at the end of the month......

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Links of Me

Extreme Ironing Bureau - Combining the thrill of extreme sport with the satissfaction of a well-pressed shirt   25/12/2003
BOFH - Older ones   23/03/2003
The Onion - America's Finest News Source   23/03/2003
Daily Dilbert -    23/03/2003

Words of Wisdom

There is something in the pang of change
More than the heart can bear,
Unhappiness remembering happiness.
                -- Euripides
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