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New Stuff


16/04/2003 - Television - Hmm, well I've kinda been...


22/01/2004 - Don't look now..... - Ah - the first update of ...
18/12/2003 - Fill in the blanks - Well. I just noticed tha...
03/10/2003 - Why not update? - So in a moment of whimsy ...


10/07/2003 - Sometimes Dilbert strips ...
15/06/2003 - Obviously having better t...

Don't look now.....


Ah - the first update of 2004. So.... to begin at the beginning - Christmas was good. A week of relaxing with the family then a week back in London before going back to work.

Then the much awaited flat-warming! A select affiair, probably explained by sending invites only, 5 days beforehand but great fun. Despite a road accident which disrupted the buses to actually get to the flat people turned up eventually (most of our friends not being noted for their punctuality anyway) and were treated to industrial quantities of food and booze (we're just about finished the food now) and a competition to see how many people we could fit in the bath before winessing 'Curly' Tim Harcourt having his hair straightened. Photos of this will be available soon.

Work-wise I'm due to start back with the Metropolitan Film School next week for their next Script to Screen course. I'll be splitting my time between that and rebuilding technical facilites for Magic Lantern until March-time. Which will keep me in the black finincially... (ok so actually I mean marginally less in the red but you get the idea).

Good news recently was getting some of my work on-air! I spent last week editing a 'barker' (7-minute broadcast promo piece) for a new digital channel called Information.TV. They're only got about two programmes at the moment so if you take a look at them you're likely to see it - on a near-permanent loop *smug*. Channel 6-2-something on Sky I think. My first broadcast project on which I've had real responsibility!

In other news I will be going up to Newcastle soon for a girlfriend-family visit - if you can think of anywhere we should go drop an email or leave it on this site.

I should probably get back to the mundane issues of today for the time being..... hmm. The joys of cutting idents. Even if they are broadcast.

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Links of Me

Extreme Ironing Bureau - Combining the thrill of extreme sport with the satissfaction of a well-pressed shirt   25/12/2003
BOFH - Older ones   23/03/2003
The Onion - America's Finest News Source   23/03/2003
Daily Dilbert -    23/03/2003

Words of Wisdom

If you love someone, set them free.
If they don't come back, then call them up when you're drunk.
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