World of Me!
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New Stuff


16/04/2003 - Television - Hmm, well I've kinda been...


22/01/2004 - Don't look now..... - Ah - the first update of ...
18/12/2003 - Fill in the blanks - Well. I just noticed tha...
03/10/2003 - Why not update? - So in a moment of whimsy ...


10/07/2003 - Sometimes Dilbert strips ...
15/06/2003 - Obviously having better t...

Results of Polls

Who will win Euro 2004?

ENGLAND!!! bar graph 0 votes, 0%
France bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Germany bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Holland bar graph 1 votes, 100%
Switzerland bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Someone else bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Total votes cast: 1.

Well I....

...wish it could be christmas every day bar graph 0 votes, 0%
...wish they'd stop playing christmas songs continually from october bar graph 2 votes, 29%
...wish somebody would write some christmas songs that weren't so irritating bar graph 0 votes, 0%
...wish Andy could come up with better web polls bar graph 2 votes, 29%
...wish it was warm again bar graph 0 votes, 0%
...wish I had better things to do with my time than fill in pointless web polls bar graph 3 votes, 43%
Total votes cast: 7.

I think Tom is gay because....

He fancies Greg bar graph 1 votes, 33%
He fancies Chris bar graph 0 votes, 0%
I'm gay bar graph 0 votes, 0%
He's told Chris he's gay bar graph 1 votes, 33%
I listen to Chris too much bar graph 1 votes, 33%
He fancies Greg bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Total votes cast: 3.

Summer is....

BRILLLIANT!!!! Wehey! bar graph 1 votes, 8%
Alright bar graph 1 votes, 8%
A load of old b*****cks, innit? bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Too bloody hot bar graph 10 votes, 83%
Too bloody cold bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Much better in another country bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Total votes cast: 12.

Big Brother is......

the best thing to happen to TV bar graph 0 votes, 0%
an originally good idea that's just got tired bar graph 0 votes, 0%
trashy telly at its most... trashy bar graph 1 votes, 33%
pointless to anyone above the IQ of a lower mollusc bar graph 1 votes, 33%
symptomatic of the decline of intelligence where the satirical view of a nightmare state is transformed to a.... (blah blah) bar graph 1 votes, 33%
OK bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Total votes cast: 3.

Make up your own question

You bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Me bar graph 1 votes, 11%
Us bar graph 2 votes, 22%
Them bar graph 0 votes, 0%
Chocolate bar graph 4 votes, 44%
Cream bar graph 2 votes, 22%
Total votes cast: 9.

Current Poll

Who will win Euro 2004?

View poll results

Links of Me

Extreme Ironing Bureau - Combining the thrill of extreme sport with the satissfaction of a well-pressed shirt   25/12/2003
BOFH - Older ones   23/03/2003
The Onion - America's Finest News Source   23/03/2003
Daily Dilbert -    23/03/2003

Words of Wisdom

"To IBM, 'open' means there is a modicum of interoperability among some of their
-- Harv Masterson
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